Thursday, 28 February 2013

As Development from Mark making, we intend to make a white box sculptural installation. The cube will have our mark making drawings on the inside which you view through 'Dice' Holes. We felt it linked nicely to common ideas, such as having an element of chance, light and shadow and also the initial Archiving game we played at the start the project.

Primitive Mark Making

Mark making development as a product of group discussion

Connecting the unconnected- reflecting on our film

Hand written thoughts and reflections re: our first film.

Observations without audio:

Observations with audio:

Observed connections between each individual project:

Monday, 25 February 2013

Exploring mark making through the psychology of blind drawing

To explore mark making in this piece I further developed my exploration into blind drawing. I feel that blind drawing is the way to explore the psychology of mark making and how without the analytical function of our eyes we are able to explore a freer expression of our inner psyche.
In my previous project I redrew many of my blind drawings in order to bring back a form of control into an uncontrolled expression. I discovered that despite blind drawings having a more serendipitous way of producing marks and compositions we are still limited by our own bodies and the kind of movements we think to make. I tried to combat this idea of returning to my own archetypal gestures by asking another person to dictate what I drew whilst still remaining blind. This included the marks I made and the duration for which I drew them as well as what medium I used. This brought in a new layer of controlling my uncontrolled gestures whilst still introducing new and unexpected elements into my work. I then redrew it to produce a drawing that is both an expression and repression of collaborating two minds.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Further Mark Making Development

As part of our development, we set a task to create a mark making task for each of us. We aim to create a mark making piece relating to our previous project. Next time we meet we will collaborate and de construct these pieces to form a new piece. For my piece, I visited a local park, took videos and  made marks scrutinising shadows cast and the subtle movement the wind causes. My focus was upon the various elements of nature, as this appeared to be a key theme when linking our projects. I tried to emulate interaction and interplay of shadows within the park and the lack of control we have upon shadows and other elements of nature. I thought the park was a good location as it includes everything, wind, trees, plants and water and I was lucky enough to choose a particularly stormy and turbulent day to go.

Creating links

   Initial diagram: linking our project points

 2nd diagram: key themes and drawing comparisons/similarities

 3rd diagram: in order to present clearly to others

Notes made from video only

As part of developing the interpretation of the brief, I tried to make links between our previous projects in order to define key themes within our work. I listed what appeared to be key points in each of our projects for drawing, duration and narrative and then drew links from these points, attempting to refine the diagrams to get clearer as I went along. In our last meeting we decided to watch the videos in three different ways; audio alone, audio and video and video alone. When watching the video alone I took notes on the way in which we expressed ourselves through gestures with focus on the variation between each person.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Mark Making Development.

As part of the project development we decided to each create an A3 Mark making piece, as this seemed to be a common interest after evaluating what each member said in their video.

For my Drawing i wanted to create marks that reflected how drawing is a journey. I started by closing my eyes and trying to draw my walk to university, hoping to convey how drawing can be a mental journey. I then tried that again in a different medium and from there worked into the marks in various colours and mediums, displaying the physical aspect of the mark making journey.

Once we all have our mark making drawings, we will then swap and work into each others drawings.

 "Connecting the unconnected"

 Text Piece, Response to our Video.

Continuing this notion of 'Connecting the unconnected' And 'Exquisite Archive', i have looked at the video of each of us interpreting our brief and from that created the above text piece. Individuality is important to us, whilst all the while working in a collaborative context. Although we were all working to the same "Drawing Duration and Narrative brief' prior to this each of us had very different outcomes, and focus's. Despite this there are some clear parallels between all of our practices, such as an interest in a lack of control, nature and the mind.

Primarily my focus in the last project was exploring the medium of Drawing and in particular it's transient qualities. Furthermore my project was concerned with nature and how nature itself could be seen as an artists creating performative drawings, especially in context with the sea and local landscape in the surrounding 'Newcastle'. Lastly i investigated how we as humans inadvertently create drawings in the everyday just by 'being' either leaving traces of our presence in the environment or as a performance though our movements. 

Light house at Tynemouth. Exploring the notion of the sea as a performative drawing.

Beach Durational piece.

We hope that this new project, can be a continuing development of our most recent work.